(Deutsch) Aide-Mémoire: Menschenrechte in Indonesien 2015
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(Deutsch) Aide-Mémoire: Menschenrechte in Indonesien 2015
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Indonesia: Defamation of Ahmadiyah Denomination
June 23rd, 2008
Submission for the Report of the Secretary to the General Assembly on GA-Resolution 62/154
„Combating Defamation of Religions”
The Government must act upon its international commitments to human rights, religious freedom and protection of minorities
The Islamic denomination Ahmadiyah is suffering discrimination from both the Indonesian government and violent groups in civil society. During recent years violent assaults have been committed by civilians. In April 2008 the Coordinating Board for Monitoring Mystical ... read more
Posted on 09:33 PM in Human Rights, Indonesia, Publications, Watch's Position Papers