Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the Republic of Indonesia
submitted September 2016, published at Human Rights Day, 10 December 2016
Human Rights Council
Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the Republic of Indonesia
3rd cycle (May – June 2017)Joint Stakeholders’ Submission by:
Watch Indonesia! e.V.
West Papua Network (WPN)
World Organisation against Torture (OMCT)I. Introduction
1. This stakeholder report is a joint submission by the West Papua Network (WPN), Watch Indonesia! and the World Organisation against Torture (OMCT) The report highlights key concerns, trends and significant developments in the human rights situation in Indonesia including a particular focus on the region West Papua between January 2012 and July 2016 in the following areas: torture and maltreatment; extra-judicial and arbitrary executions; violence against land rights activists; freedom of expression and freedom of peaceful assembly; death penalty; discrimination on the basis of religious belief and sexual orientation; truth finding and dealing with the past, the role of the military; human rights defenders; and indigenous peoples. This report will conclude with a set of recommendations
2. The WPN is monitoring and documenting the human rights and conflict situation, the legal and institutional framework in Indonesia and supports a peaceful solution to the long lasting conflict in West Papua for more than 20 years. It operates jointly with other organizations in the International Coalition for Papua (ICP).
3. Watch Indonesia! is a Berlin based human rights NGO working since 1991 to address the human rights, democracy and environmental issues in Indonesia and East Timor. It has been actively engaged in doing lobby and advocacy work in Germany, at the EU and the UN level together with its local, national and international partners.
4. Created in 1985, the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) is today the main coalition of international non-governmental organizations (NGO) fighting against torture, summary executions, enforced disappearances and all other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. With 311 affiliated organizations in its SOS-Torture Network and many tens of thousands correspondents in every country, OMCT is the most important network of non-governmental organizations working for the protection and the promotion of human rights in the world.read the complete submission at:
www.watchindonesia.org/wp-content/uploads/UPR Submission_Indonesia_2017_WI_WPN_OMCT.pdf