Indonesia can list first successes of democratization: there is a free election system and freedom of press, loads of new laws and institutions have been installed. The formal democratic successes and reforms, however, do neither go hand in hand yet with the necessary change in political culture, nor do they result in real changes of the people’s living conditions. Indonesia’s political elite is shaped by the offspring of the Suharto era and their behavioural pattern. Corruption, lack of constitutionality and insufficient civil control on the security apparatus are along with a judicial and administrative reform the biggest challenges for a genuine democratization.
East Timor is in its post-conflict phase and struggles with its democracy. Power struggles within the political leadership is the biggest constraint for peace and can anytime lead to an outbreak of violence. A weak and ineffective judicial system, the insufficient implementation of security reforms, corruption, malpractice and socio-economic inequalities threaten the democratic development. The security situation is still unstable and there is social instability forged by poverty and lasting traumatic experiences of the past decades. Through interwoving public relations and lobbying we accompany the process of democratization of both countries and highlight shortcomings but also potentials.