Gewaltsame Auflösung einer Demonstration in Jakarta
Berlin, Heidelberg, den 12. Juni 1998
Watch Indonesia! fordert Außenminister Kinkel auf, den Botschafter Indonesiens einzubestellen
Mit großem Entsetzen haben wir vernommen, dass die indonesischen Streitkräfte heute eine friedliche Demonstration von 1.500 Osttimoresen vor dem Außenministerium in Jakarta gewaltsam aufgelöst haben und die Demonstranten mit Bussen zu einem unbekannten Ort gebracht wurden. Die Osttimoresen, die Unterstützung durch indonesische Pro-Demokratie Aktivisten erhielten, forderten die Freilassung von Xanana Gusmão und das Recht auf Selbstbestimmung mittels eines Referendums. Wir verurteilen das gewaltsame Vorgehen der Sicherheitskräfte gegen friedliche Demonstranten entschieden.
In einem Brief hat Watch Indonesia! Außenminister Klaus Kinkel aufgefordert, den Botschafter Indonesiens einzubestellen und darauf zu drängen, dass friedliche Demonstrationen zugelassen, die Menschenrechte geachtet und weitere Schritte zur Lösung des Osttimor-Konfliktes unternommen werden. „Das Vorgehen der Sicherheitskräfte ist ein Schritt zurück, was die Achtung der Menschenrechte und den Prozess der Demokratisierung anbelangt. Dieses Vorgehen ist nicht dazu geeignet, das Vertrauen der internationalen Gemeinschaft und des IWF zurückzugewinnen. Es ist um so bitterer, als die indonesische Regierung mit der Freilassung von 15 politischen Gefangenen aus Osttimor und der Ankündigung, einen Sonderstatus für Osttimor zu gewähren bereits das richtige Signal gesetzt hat.“
Die Lösung der politischen Krise in Indonesien mittels Reformen- und dazu zählt auch die Lösung des Osttimor-Konfliktes – ist Grundvoraussetzung zur Lösung der wirtschaftlichen Probleme des Landes. Nach dem Rücktritt von Suharto wächst der internationale Druck auf die neue Regierung in Indonesien, den starren Kurs in der Osttimor-Frage aufzugeben und auf eine friedliche und einvernehmliche Lösung des langjährigen und leidvollen Konfliktes hinzuarbeiten. Zahlreiche Menschenrechtsorganisationen – darunter auch Watch Indonesia! – und ausländische Regierungen setzten sich in den vergangenen Wochen für die Freilassung von politischen Gefangenen ein, insbesondere von Xanana Gusmão, dem Führer des osttimoresischen Widerstandes. Diese Forderung wird inzwischen sogar vom Gouverneur Osttimors, Abilio Soares, erhoben. Die Freilassung von Xanana Gusmão würde wesentlich die Bemühungen der Vereinten Nationen unterstützen und dem stockenden Prozess einer Verständigung zur Lösung des Konfliktes neuen Auftrieb verleihen. Deutliche Worte von Seiten des deutschen Außenministeriums wären in dieser kritischen Situation mehr als angebracht.
Anlage: Petition der East Timor National Youth Front (FRONPETIL)
At 8.30am today, 12 June 1998, more than a thousand East Timorese entered the premises of the Foreign Ministry in Jakarta to demand a meeting with senior government officials on their demands for the solution to the question of East Timor. The following is the Petition which they made public at the start of this action:
Referendum Towards a Just Solution
The ideals of the Indonesian nation, as expressed in the first paragraph of the 1945 Constitution, are lofty ideals formulated by the founders of the Indonesian republic to direct the people to achieve independence as proclaimed on 17 August 1945.
The ideals and struggle of the East Timorese Youth to achieve what we think as right for the East Timorese society, are ideals that by no means contradict the lofty ideals of the Indonesian nation for international norms. Our struggle is an expression of moral responsibility of every East Timorese. However, the struggle of the East Timorese people to self-determination has HAD to face conflicts of political interests, imposed by the New Order regime in 1975.
The conflict in East Timor has caused continuous struggle. The position taken by the Indonesian government which has refused to touch on the substance of the issue (the right to self-determination) has been a huge problem in finding a solution to the question of East Timor. This position, as expressed in the repetitious argument that the question of East Timor is an internal problem of the Indonesian government, clearly contradicts conditions as they really are. The question is still being debated in international fora, and in East Timor itself there an ongoing people’s struggle on several fronts, diplomatic, clandestine and armed guerrillas.
Reflecting on the dark history of the Indonesian military invasion on 7 December 1975, the struggle of the East Timorese people against the occupation, and also the reform movement now on the move in Indonesia, we the youth of East Timor, organised under the East Timor National Youth Front, urge and demand the Indonesian government and all concerned parties that have a direct or indirect interest in East Timor to take concrete steps and to contribute to the solution of the question of East Timor.
1. That the military invasion by the Indonesian government on 7 December 1975 was a violation of the right of the East Timorese people to self-determination, as governed and protected by several international judicial instruments, such as the United Nations Charter, the UNGA Resolution 1514 (XV) 14 December 1960 or the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to the Colonial Countries and Peoples, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and UNGA Resolution 1541 (XV), 15 December 1960.
2. That the military invasion of East East by the Indonesian government was a violation of UNGA resolution No 3485 (XXX), 12 December 1976, and the UN Security Council Resolution 384, 12 December 1975 that provides for the right of East Timorese people to self-determination and the right to be a free nation. Both resolutions are in accord with the spirit of the UN Charter and the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to the Colonial Countries and Peoples.
3. That both resolutions clearly condemned the invasion of East Timor by the Indonesian government and demanded that the Indonesian government withdraw its forces from East Timor.
4. That both resolutions granted the right of Portugal to act as the administering power in East Timor since 1975 until now, so as to proceed with the interrupted decolonisation process of East Timor.
5. That the military invasion of East Timor is a violation of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. As a consequence, Law No 7/1976 that legalised the ‚integration‘ of East Timonr into the Republic of Indonesia, is also a violation of the 1945 Constitution.
6. That the military invasion of East Timor has caused heavy losses with the death of a large number of East Timorese civilians, of Indonesian military personnel, the destruction of property and culture. The invasion and occupation of East Timor is also an economic burden for the Indonesian people due to the high military expenditure involved. Based on these considerations, the East Timor National Youth Front (Frontpetil) demands:
To the Government of Indonesia:
1. To revoke Law No 7/1976 that legalised the ‚integration‘ of East Timor into the Republic of Indonesia, since the law clearly negates the spirit of the first paragraph of the 1945 Constitution. The law is also a negation of the spirit of anti-colonialism that is clearly embodied in international judicial instruments such as the UN Charter, the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to the Colonial Countries and Peoples, and specifically the ten resolutions adopted by the UN General Assemble and the UN Security Council on the question of East Timor since 1975.
2. To immediately withdraw ABRI personnel from East Timor, because the presence of ABRI in the region is proof of the illegal occupation of East Timor and contradicts all judicial instruments mentioned above.
3. To immediately open a serious dialogue on the political status of East Timor, and to accept the presence of Xanana Gusmão, the leader of the East Timorese resistance and other figures of the resistance movement in a new format of dialogue which is an improvement of the tripartite forum.
4. To immediately release all political prisoners and detainees, including Xanana Gusmão, in the context of finding a solution to the question of East Timor. Xanana Gusmão has to be included in the dialogue between the Portuguese and Indonesian Ministers of Foreign Affairs, under the auspices of the UN Secretary General.
5. To revoke the Timor Gap Treaty that has been signed by the Indonesian government and the Australian government. As a consequence, all operations in the Timor Gap have to be stopped immediately.
6. To stop divide et impera practices that have been conducted in East Timor for 23 years.
To the United Nations:
1. To immediately implement all UN resolutions on the question of East Timor.
2. To immediately reform the tripartite forum and to build a new forum of dialogue that provides space and participation for the representative of the East Timorese resistance, Xanana Gusmão, and the 1996 Nobel Prize Laureates, Mgr Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo, SDB, and José Ramos-Horta.
3. To urge the Indonesian government to discuss the political substance of the question of East Timor in the new forum of dialogue.
4. To urge the Indonesian government to prepare for the implementation of a referendum in order to know the real political aspirations of the East Timorese people.
5. To immediately conduct an investigation into all forms of human rights violations during the occupation of East Timor, and to open an office of the UN Human Rights Commission in East Timor and a UN Special Representative for East Timor, to prepare for the implementation of a refendum in East Timor.
To the international community:
1. To immediatelky stop all military aid to the Indonesian government, such as the IMET programme of the United States.
2. To urge the Indonesian government to immediately implement all demands stated in this Petition.
To the Pro-Democracy Community of Indonesia:
1. To immediately urge the Indonesian government to implement all demands stated in this Petition to enter into a referendum process for the self-determination of the East Timorese people. A referendum is also part of the ‚total reform‘ that is being sought now in Indonesia.
To the People of East Timor:
1.Unite our steps and unite our ranks to enter a reconciliation process in the transition period. A referendum is a step that will lead us to Independence.
Viva Reform in Indonesian! Viva the People of East Timor! Viva the People of Indonesia who support a Referendum for East Timor. A Referendum for a Peaceful Victory!
Jakarta, 12 June 1998
East Timor National Youth Front (Fronpetil)