Climate Killer Concrete – HeidelbergCement, climate protection and human rights
When: Thursday, 10 February 2022, 7 – 9 p.m.
Where: Online by Melanchthon Academy Cologne and in cooperation with the Association of Ethical Shareholders Germany
Recently, the construction industry has come under fire as being particularly damaging to the climate. The cement and concrete industry accounts for six percent of global carbon dioxide emissions. In Germany, HeidelbergCement is the publicly listed company with the highest carbon dioxide emissions after RWE*. Nevertheless, HeidelbergCement`s CEO Dominik von Achten, does not feel that he is a climate sinner and promises a future with “green concrete”. However, with its current goal of not becoming climate-neutral until 2050, the Group is clearly missing the 1.5-degree target of the Paris climate protection agreement. In addition, HeidelbergCement is accused of disregarding indigenous rights, for example in Indonesia. In recent years, the Association of Ethical Shareholders Germany** has supported the protest of indigenous groups at HeidelbergCement’s annual general meeting.
*) The German lignite mining and energy company RWE is Europe’s biggest climate killer.
**) Association of Ethical Shareholders Germany: German name: Dachverband der Kritischen Aktionärinnen und AktionäreSpeakers:
- Gunarti, from the Samin Sedulur Sikep indigenous community in Java/Indonesia,
- Khai Phung, project manager for Watch Indonesia!,
- Sophie Weiss, activist for Fridays for Future Heidelberg and cemEND
Moderation by Markus Dufner, Association of Ethical Shareholders Germany,
The event takes place in German. Please register beforehand here: You will then receive a direct link to the event.